Life Updates – Summer 2024

It’s been a while I haven’t done one of these types of posts, so here it is!

  • On the professional part: I started 2024 doing a complete career change, where I stopped coding full-time. I am now a Communication & Marketing specialist in a little SMB specialized in secure web hosting and WordPress web development, Horizon Cumulus. I really love it so far, I can use all my web development skills into proposing nice solutions for small & medium enterprises that need help with their online presences. Furthermore, I love it! After my health problems & burnout I had last year, it’s a sweet respite for my mind, concentrating on doing clients care and management on a daily basis. My team is small, but very knowledgeable. I simply love it, and can’t wait to go back at work after my vacations! That’s a first for me.
  • On the family part: for the last year, it’s been going really well with my now teenage kiddo! Since they started high school, our conversations have gotten deeper and more interesting, and I’ve been having an easier time with my motherhood, being there for them, and simply enjoying every second of it. All the people saying that teenage years are awful are just wrong: talk to the teenagers, and LISTEN to them when they say stuffs. It ain’t difficult, and you’ll develop a strong bond with them.
  • On the emotional/relational part: I’ve abandoned the dating apps, getting discouraged and frustrated by it. Having to pay to see who likes your profile is simply evil in my opinion, and I refuse to pay to get to know that info. Also, the swiping is very much based on the first look/physical impressions, and I feel like in a “meat” market, which I found objectifying and disgusting. I’ve just deleted all the profiles I had, and am now enjoying my “single” life as much as I can. If ever I meet someone, it will be through “ancient” methods, like through other friends’ group/meetups, and through all the events I attend in town. If I am due to meet someone, it will happen. Otherwise, I am just enjoying being by myself 🙂
  • On the friendly/social part: that part has given me a lot of disappointment this year, as most people are just so busy with life (and especially work or family!) that they aren’t as available as before. I understand being exhausted by life (everything costs so much!), but at the same time, just taking a little moment to say “Hi” by text or phone ain’t too hard me thinks… But for those that I managed to see, I am happy: been having fun moments getting updated with my friends’ lives, and enjoying every minute of it! I want MORE of it! I’ve also enjoyed going out to all our Montreal’s festivals and summer events, it was so fun to get reacquainted with my city <3
  • On the reading part: I’ve managed to finish my Goodreads Yearly Reading Challenge by the beginning of June this year! Yéééééééééé! I’ve managed to read 12 books, and am now at 15! Go me! I highly recommend Yogi Stripper, Everything is fucked, and The shortest history of Israel and Palestine.
  • On the psychological/mental part: It’s been going REALLY good so far this summer! I’ve diminished my medication to a minimum, and I still feel competent, happy, fulfilled and content with my life so far. My sick leave has been a blessing last fall: it permitted to reset to a new medication that is now working properly; I felt relaxed and energized to handle life; and I felt strong again. It’s a good thing, as Life threw me a curveball with my previous work, and I had to find a solution FAST. I was lucky to be able to change my career at the same time, and stopping coding on a daily basis really helped with my mental health. Good thing!

That’s it for now. I’ll go back to enjoy my pool in my backyard, a nice gin tonic in my hand 😉 Come say hi in the comments or in private by messages!

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By SekhmetDesign

⚓ Modern days’ #Pirate who lives in very alternate ways. Read more about me here

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