National Coming Out Day

Some of you might not know it but…Yup, I’m on the Queer Side of Life, you all! Always knew I wasn’t a straight woman, but didn’t found my “label” until 2-3 years ago (I’m a genderfluid Pansexual). I am lucky to live in a place where I CAN come out without repercussions on my life. And I am lucky to be surrounded by an amazing tribe that accept me (and others) as we are: authentic, queer and happy. So, to my friends and allies, thank you for being there, too! But for those who can’t come out: we are there for you, if/when you come out. ❤ and all. We will continue to fight for equality of all human beings on this planet.

via my Instagram http://bit.ly/2EcPEu5

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