Blog questions challenge
I’ve seen this quiz around the IndieWeb (ethan marcotte, adactio, and gkeenan), so I thought I may as well join the circle, and answer the little questionnaire about Blogging. Here…
The Chronicles of SekhmetDesign
Random musings and stuffs from Deb Rouleau, a Punk Web Specialist Geek!
I’ve seen this quiz around the IndieWeb (ethan marcotte, adactio, and gkeenan), so I thought I may as well join the circle, and answer the little questionnaire about Blogging. Here…
Enjoying a pint of cider after that theater show I went to (Use et Abuse à l’Usine C). It was really good! It’s weird being in a popular (like 10-15-20…
Finally March…! Finally! February is behind us, and that long cold month is over! Spring is coming in just 2 weeks, and with it, a little more heat and sunshine…