It’s been…a damn fucking while! I know, I know: I always promise to write more, but then time passes, and I just forget to write any stuff here (stupid social medias for taking all my attention away 😛 )
Anyway, as promised, some updates on me:
- started a new job, and FINALLY got my nose into React and full-time Javascript development mode. I still hate how the web has become fully Javascript-y (more thoughts on this in another post), but I must admit that it DOES help create web apps in an interesting AND QUICK way.
- spent pretty much all my confinement time at my partner’s house. It was A WHILE I haven’t shared my daily living time with someone else, and I must admit that…I MISSED IT big times <3
While the cohabitation was extraordinary AMAZING and easy-going, it can presents some challenges when merging parental lifestyles into the mix. Still, I would do it again, 11/10 - the pandemic DID made me reflect A LOT on my future, and what I want to do/desire in every spheres of my live. I still have a feeling of “What do I want to do when I’ll become an adult”, but I feel like if I am “mature” enough to have a clear path in my head, and stop focusing on others’ judgment on my life.
- I am coming out of this pandemic hating more the people and our society, and wanting more “living in a cabin in the forest”. Fuck did people exasperated me this year! WEAR YOUR DAMN MASK, people!
Now need more wine, will probably write more later… #AllBetsAreOn #WhenWillIWriteAgain?
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